Review: St-St-Stuffed by Anyta Sunday.

Other than his most prized Lamborghini, Karl Andrews has nothing to his name. He’s down on his luck and his dollar, and his dream of becoming a professional chef is looking more and more like a pipe-dream. Even less than a pipe-dream when restaurants won’t even take him on as a waiter.
And he won’t ever, no not ever, consider selling his one possession. No matter how much he could make from it. Just wasn’t going to happen.
He’d rather . . . rather . . .
Hell, he’d rather apply for that position to be a Girl Friday.

Other than the title, the job sounds all right. Bit of cooking, cleaning—nothing he can’t handle.
Until he goes to the interview and discovers the man looking for the help is the same man he’d bullied, mocked, terrified as a boy. But Paul Hyte is obviously a better man, gracious and forgiving. And trusting—as the biggest part of the job requires looking after his son.

Despite the initial forgiveness, things are tentative between Karl and Paul, and they’ve both got to reconcile their pasts if they want any type of proper closure. As the two men learn more about each other an undeniable attraction grows between them—but can the two manage to forge a future together on such a rocky past and complicated present?


July really is a month of Sunday's in the clubhouse as we have the wonderful Anyta Sunday as our Author-of-the-Month. Shane and Trey, the first Enemies to Lovers book, was our book of the month read which we all chatted about and the next book in this series is St-St-Stuffed. Now Jenni Lea and I (Lorix) are both avowed Anyta Sunday fangirls and, rather than fight over who got to post about this book, we agreed on a short review each. So here they are.

 Firstly the fantabulous Jenni Lea:

An easy read that pulled at my heartstrings quite a bit while also turning me into a pile of smoopy sighs and silly grins. The one thing that stood out for me the most though was how incredibly honest this book was.

This was my first Anyta Sunday book.

It won't be my last.

She-sha, she-sha!

And then moi:

Two characters we first meet in Shane and Trey as children. Karl bullied Paul as a child, mocking the other boys stutter. As adults though Paul is willing to give Karl a chance - a chance with the most precious thing in his life, his son. The story has all the Anyta Sunday trademarks I have come to Love - great characters, fabulous storyline and of course the UST she does so well. A delightful story that I read one sunny Sunday afternoon. It may not be my favourite Sunday novel but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy every damn word of it.

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